Gallery - B52CRSH2
IFlySky5 All said & done the (AC) aircraft commander is responsible party here for loss of life & aircraft. Bud Holland was the AC on this flight he is to blame! He was either on the controls...
View ArticleGallery - Ejection_03
DrTracy The most amazing thing about this is that the pilot went to work at the Pentagon after his screw up. As the old saying goes, screw up and move up!
View ArticleGallery - Tripe_in_hand_2_small Your Dr is amazing, really cool, one of my wildest dream, please do you can send plans and tell wath material used for it
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Ryandude3 ryanairs nextscam! tell children santa is on the plane and the ticket priceswill go up :P
View ArticleGallery - Saab_BadGear
excrxpilot this is what you get if you try to land on an old disused former east-german runway with a earth wall across the runway seperating the aviation part (now used for light a/c) and a car...
View ArticleGallery - AirlinersNetPhotoID252881
Elspode Bones is correct. Phenomenon is a complex combination of air pressure gradient and humidity. It can happen a speeds far below supersonic, as long as there is sufficient humidity, and a sudden...
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